

Dex is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps. Dex acts as a portal to other identity providers through “connectors.” This lets Dex defer authentication to LDAP servers, SAML providers, or established identity providers like GitHub, Google, and Active Directory.

Getting help

  • For feature requests and bugs, file an issue.
  • For general discussion about both using and developing Dex, you can join the #dexidp channel on the Kubernetes Slack, or join the Dex-dev mailing list.

Reporting a security vulnerability

Due to their public nature, GitHub and mailing lists are NOT appropriate places for reporting vulnerabilities. Please refer to the project’s security disclosure process when reporting issues that may be security related.

Getting Started

First touch with Dex

An Overview of OpenID Connect

Intro to OpenID Connect (basics)


Configuring general settings for Dex


Documentation about configuration of Dex connectors


Most common scenarios and how to solve them


Dev Environment Setup, Testing, and Contributing to Dex


The following documents are no longer maintained and are archived for reference purposes only